Název projektu / produktu: postcARTs
Team leader: Jekaterina Jaroslavceva
Výzva: č. 8: Umělá kreativní inteligence
Problém: The purpose of this project is to introduce and empower the technology of AI and Augmented Reality (AR) into the usage of postcards for the tourism industry. We believe we are able to make postcard sending more exciting and attractive to both older and younger generations. Our project gives postcard senders an opportunity to put their creative ideas into action and let receivers get exciting and unusual gifts, which will be remembered for a long time.
Řešení: Our team has designed a prototype of a mobile application called postcARTs, which allows us to customize any picture with the use of AI and AR and turn it into a unique experience. After being created, the postcard can be further scanned and brought to life. The steps for the sender include adding a photo that will be an identifying marker. Next, the user can upload a video (a layer over the image), choose background music, 3D model objects, and visual effects to make a postcard more dynamic.
Dopad: All in all, the application developed has achieved its objective as stated in the problem section. The application is developed to reinforce the tourism sector and also to introduce AR technology to the public easily. In this postcard application, the basic AR flows of Video Capturing, Marker Tracking, Overlaying, and Virtual Object Rendering were fully applied in the Android mobile phone and the application prototype has been developed successfully.
Proveditelnost: During the hackathon, we proved feasibility of the idea by successfully creating 3 demonstration scenarios of ARcard creation. The postcards are well-identifiable using the AI algorithms and the animations are stable. We also developed a prototype of the possible GUI. We estimate the cost of the further prototype development to be around 200 thousand crowns.
Co jste udělali během hackathonu - popište textově + uveřejněte kód (např. GitHub link): We developed three postcard examples available at https://github.com/ykate1998/postcARTs. The code can be tested by printing the image files (in the repository) and brought to life by simply downloading the corresponding .apk files to smartphones.
Co jste měli před hackathonem? Použili jste open source?: We used Unity 3D with a Vuforia Plugin. Postcards that were used for the demonstration were drawn by one of the team members.
Co následuje? Jaká je vize a čeho konkrétního byste rádi dosáhli?: We are planning to get in contact with a 3D models selling platform (such as GCTrador or Turbosquid) and interconnect it with our application (i.e., users will be able to buy desired 3D models). We are also planning to reach investors and create a functional prototype of the application. We are planning to add a function for AI-generated animation effects (i.e, One-Shot photography).