Project / product name: GlykoBott
Link to the project: http://
Team leader: Martin Fořt
Challenge: 4. Efficient Glucometer Data Integration
Problem: Processing data from glucose monitors takes too long and consumes way too many resources; extra workload on already busy staff
Solution: Automated report analysis & data extraction, data source aggregation
Impact: Drastic improvement in efficiency of glucose level monitoring, significant time savings for healthcare personnel, ease of use for patients
Feasibility & financials: Very feasible, no special requirements needed;
Server - lightweight, by usage
Open source and publicly available materials only
What is new about your solution?: Integration of email, loading data from different companies through one portal
What you have built at the hackathon - text explanation + code (e.g. GitHub link): Prototype for the system - has some issues, however proves the feasibility of the project without question
What you had before the hackathon, please mention open source as well: -
What comes next and what you wish to achieve: Hopefully an expanded version of the system implemented in healthcare
Restructure in a more permanent design schema & more sturdy technologies