

Project / product name: boluscalculator
Team leader: Ramsha Suleman
Challenge: 1. Dia Bro Manager
Problem: Diabaetic patient does nt know exactly how much dose need to be injected so this app can check that and solve diabeltic problems
Solution: This boluscalculator can calculate that how much insulin is required by a person at that specific period of time.
Impact: This application will have a good impact on diabetic patient as they did not have to check tgere blood sugar every instance in order to onow how much dose need to be injected.
Feasibility & financials: Due to limited amount we were not be able to use Artificial intelligence in this project
What is new about your solution?: This application can check that how much an insulin is required by a person at that specific time.
What you have built at the hackathon - text explanation + code (e.g. GitHub link): We have build an application that can take some information from the user and gives the output that how much insulin is required at that specific time. Github:https://github.com/mxklb/boluscalculator.git
What you had before the hackathon, please mention open source as well: We had build projects that were not related to medical but in this hackathon we had build an medical application Github link:https://github.com/
What comes next and what you wish to achieve: We wish to implement Artificial intelligence in thia project but due to limited resources we were not able to do that.