Bild Mlue

Bild Mlue

Project / product name: Beat Savior
Team leader: Tomáš Pavlín
Challenge: 4. Summon Help Now
Problem: We were building an application that notifies nearby first responders about a resuscitation emergency. The app would find an optimal path to a nearest AED and to the patient. When there are multiple responders the app should be able to divide work between them.
Solution: We created a mobile application with simple and intuitive design. Everyone can register as a first responder either with CPR knowledge or without it. Based on that the app decides your tasks when the emergency arises. We synchronize important data into FHIR. Responders are synchronized as Persons and cardiac arrest incidents are synchronized as Encounters. Once the patient is transported to the hospital, the Encounter can be easily assigned to a Patient.
Impact: We believe that our impact will be vast, because really everyone can take part. Not just people with CPR training, but even regular citizens. The usage of our solution is very easy even for the emergency service (155). We have a REST API endpoint that takes a GPS point of the emergency incident and our solution will do the rest.
Feasibility & financials: We already managed to implement core functionality and have a ready-to-test prototype. Our advantage is that we don’t need any kind of special hardware. The app can run on any smartphone. During the hackathon we also called with people from Záchranka (app) and exchanged info about further cooperation.
What is new about your solution?: The rescue mission is planned individually based on a skillset of the first responders taking part. If there are multiple rescuers the application will send the CPR capable rescuers directly to the patient, while the others fetch the AED or help with navigating the ambulance.
What you have built at the hackathon - text explanation + code (e.g. GitHub link): We've built a working application for iOS and Android that is able to instruct and navigate users to emergency locations or nearest AEDs. Furthermore our app contains a map with all AEDs in your area. We also implemented a backend solution that schedules the rescue mission and synchronizes data to FHIR. Github repo:
What you had before the hackathon, please mention open source as well: We had a github repository with a very simplistic backend that could call a database and save one todo-list item.
What comes next and what you wish to achieve: The app would benefit from a section with CPR instructions, training video and CPR courses. We laid the groundwork for integration with emergency services. In the future we would like to improve the scheduling even more. For example by re-assigning other tasks based on how many other first responders join the rescue mission. Or recognize first responders driving a car and benefit from that.